Self-Serve Mulch & compost Giveaway
(First-Come, First-Serve)

Participants will wait in line in their cars while CBWCD staff direct traffic to ensure safety for all. Participants must remain in their cars until they are loading their compost and mulch.

Due to safety precautions, walk-in participants are not allowed.

If you are a community group such as Boy Scouts, a community garden, school, or other group and are working on a project within our Service Area, please contact us for scheduling and availability.

This program is not open to commercial landscapers.

This is a self-serve, limited-supply drive-in event. Bring your own tools and containers. A pitchfork, shovel, and sturdy containers are recommended.

Mulch & Compost Limits

Participants are limited to 60 gallons of compost and 120 gallons of mulch.

Here is a list of containers and their sizes which apply to volumes of compost for participants:

- (2) 30 gallon plastic trash cans (full)
- (4) 15 gallon plastic pot plants (full)
- (12) 5 gallon plastic plant pots (full)
- (10) Plastic trash bags or 'fertilizer'/amendment soil type bags

Here is a list of containers and their sizes which apply to volumes of mulch for participants:

- (4) 30 gallon plastic trash cans (full)
- (12) large plastic trash can bags or liners
- (12) 15 gallon planter pots (full)
- small trailer equivalent
- NO large trucks or trailers, i.e., U-Haul box trucks, trailers over 8 feet in length

click the image to enlarge

Benefits of mulch & compost

Compost is donated by the Inland Empire Regional Composting Authority (IERCA), manufacturers of SoilPro Premium Compost Products. To see lab results for the compost, click here.

The mulch available is donated by our partners at Green Army in Montclair and is a mix of ground local green waste (yard waste and tree trimmings). This blend of mulch contributes to improving soil more than store bought bark or dyed mulch.

Mulch helps conserve water by reducing evaporation, allowing water to be held in the soil for longer. It also helps build soil structure, inhibits weed growth, and much more. Mulch is applied as a layer on top of the soil, typically 2-3 inches deep. It is important that the mulch layer does not go all the way to the base of the stems or trunks of plants. A distance of at least three inches should be maintained from the main stems or trunks of plants to avoid holding too much moisture at the sensitive root crown area where stems or trunks meet the soil.

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