Calling All Creatives

Annual Water Conservation Visual Arts Poster Contest is Now Closed!

Scroll down to see our winners!

What Makes For An Award-Winning Poster?

The relevance of your poster to the theme.

Creativity and originality.

Legibility: keep the poster’s slogan brief, and use large, simple text.

Visual clarity: use media that provides consistent, broad coverage in bright, bold, and rich colors.

Posters that show how much water will be saved using the poster’s impactful water-saving strategy.

Posters that demonstrate your understanding of effective water conservation.

How To Participate:

K-6 public, private, and homeschool students are eligible if they live or attend school within our service area.

Teachers will be notified once finalists are announced. Community-voting to select the winners takes place online and teachers of winning students will be notified when voting closes.

Honorable Mentions, Finalists and student Winners will be recognized at our Free Annual Open House & Student Showcase in March. After Open House, all honorable mentions from Ontario will be entered into the City of Ontario’s Water Conservation Poster Contest for a chance to win a prize. 

Prizes include $100 cash for winners at each grade level, $75 gift cards for teachers who submit at least 10 student entries, and $175 gift cards for the teachers of the winning students from each grade level.

Voting ended

Stay tuned to see our winning posters!


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