For Educators
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Explore Our Waterwise Educational Offerings
We are committed to promoting the public stewardship of our shared water resources. To do that, we provide a variety of interactive youth education programs! We strive to offer place-based, hands-on, and inquiry-driven activities that engage youth in understanding the connection to our watershed and the important role they can play in water conservation.
Our team of experienced and passionate educators works to inspire curiosity and empower students to take waterwise action in their homes, schools, and communities. On this website, we provide a wealth of ideas, links, materials, and information to help teachers carry out our mission of water conservation education.
Sign up for Educator News to receive updates about youth education events and programs, or check out past editions packed with videos, resources, and programs for K-12 teachers.

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Waterwise Resources For Teachers
The Waterwise Community Center offers a variety of resources and opportunities to support teachers as our partners in conservation education.