Percolation Basins

District Facilities Use Natural Processes

Our facilities use a natural process called percolation to replenish the local water supply. Percolation happens when water flows through several layers of sand, gravel, and silt and is naturally cleaned in the process.

The Montclair Percolation Basins

To see a percolation basin in action, visit the overlook of our Montclair #4 percolation basin at the Waterwise Community Center. The more water we store locally, the less we have to import.

The Montclair Basins are the “workhorse basins” of our area. Together, they can capture 523 acre-feet of water, or over 170 million gallons of water at a time! Once full, the water will sink into our aquifer at 12 to 18 inches per day.

The Chino Basin Water Conservation District

The Chino Basin Water Conservation District owns and manages 1,433 acres of land for water capture and infiltration. Our Facilities and Operations Department maintains fencing, landscapes, weed abatement, slope repair, trash cleanup, and pest control to keep our recharge basins in top working condition.

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UPDATE - The Waterwise Community Center and garden will be closed on Jan. 20 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The Compost Giveaway on Jan. 18 will also be cancelled.